Tobacco Harm Reduction

The Tholos Foundation’s work on Tobacco Harm Reduction focuses on the international regulation of reduced-risk nicotine products. Through research, speaking engagements, and educational efforts, we advocate for adult access to these lifesaving products.


The Tholos Foundation publishes a monthly newsletter devoted to international developments related to tobacco harm reduction. Each edition includes must-read articles, groundbreaking studies, and updates on what Tholos is doing to promote global THR. You can sign up for our newsletter here.

Educational Efforts

Tholos is constantly engaging with our global allies on educational efforts related to tobacco harm reduction. Listed below are a few of our recent actions. For more information, please sign up for our newsletter or contact Tim Andrews, The Tholos Foundation’s Director of Consumer Freedom, at [email protected]

Tholos Releases Research Papers Analysing Impact of Flavor Bans and Best Practices to Reduce Underage Use
The Tholos Foundation is proud to have published two papers analysing the impact of the deeply misguided attempts to ban flavored reduced risk tobacco alternatives, and setting out options for smarter, more targeted polices to reduce underage usage. Authored by Tholos Foundation Director of Consumer Issues’ Tim Andrews, the first paper is a comprehensive analysis of multiple studies of vapers commissioned by internationally renown polling firm IPSOS, demonstrating how flavor bans will lead to an increase in smoking rates and create a significant black market. The second examines more targeted policies backed by science that help educate adult consumers, while preventing underage usage, and the evidence shows are clearly preferable to flavor bans. Both papers are a continuation of an earlier Tholos Foundation project on the importance of flavors for harm reduction. The papers can be downloaded here:

Analysis of Flavored Vaping Products as a Harm Reduction Method: Impact of Flavor Bans in the Real World
Analysis of Flavored Vaping Products as a Harm Reduction Method: Best Practices to Educate Adult Smokers and Restrict Underage Usage
Tholos Foundation International Research Fellow Pieter Cleppe has authored a paper responding to the recent European Commission Evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control. As policymakers deliberate on
the most effective strategies to combat smoking, this presents a unique opportunity to analyse the perspectives of both citizens and academic & research institutions. Despite robust evidence, both within the EU and internationally, indicating the effectiveness of alternative products in aiding smoking cessation, an increasing number of EU countries are contemplating restrictions on those alternatives. The results can be downloaded here.
Presenting Tholos-commissioned IPSOS Polling Data on effects likely effects of Uzbekistan’s Nicotine Pouch Ban
The Tholos Foundation recently commissioned international polling firm IPSOS to investigate the likely effects of Uzbekistan’s recently passed legislation to ban reduced risk nicotine pouches. The results were very clear that two thirds of consumers use these products for health related reasons, and if fully implemented this ban would lead to an significant increase in people smoking combustible cigarettes, as well as sizable black market activity.
The results can be downloaded in English here and in Russian here.
New White Paper Shows Safer Nicotine Alternatives Lead to Significant Reduction in Smoking Rates
The Tholos Foundation, in partnership with Japan-based Pacific Alliance Institute and Sweden-based consulting firm Scantech Strategy Advisors, released a policy paper, Safer Nicotine Works, on how Sweden and Japan have successfully reduced smoking rates by introducing safer alternative nicotine products.   Safer Nicotine Works explores the impact of oral nicotine and heated tobacco products on smoking prevalence in countries such as Sweden and Japan, and may be downloaded here:
Press Releases:
Estonian, Swedish, and Danish Polling – German Language Version
Due to significant interest in the results of Tholos Foundation polling in Estonia, Sweden, and Denmark, which demonstrated that any move to ban flavors in reduced risk tobacco alternatives would lead to an explosion in black market sales, and a return to people smoking combustible cigarettes, the Tholos Foundation is pleased to announce a German language version. We hope that this will be of assistance to policymakers and the media in Germans, and it can be downloaded here:
Polling Confirms German Flavor Ban Would Lead To Massive Black Market & Return to Cigarettes
Exclusive polling of current vapers in Germany, commissioned by the Tholos Foundation in conjunction with IPSOS Research, found that, if a flavor ban was enacted, more than half of German vapers would move either to combustible cigarettes or to the black market. The full results can be downloaded here.
Letter to the State of Israel’s Department of Education and Health Re Proposal to Increase Taxes On And Reduce Access to Reduced Risk Tobacco Alternatives

The Tholos Foundation wrote to the Department of Education and Health regarding the recently released “Action plan for all tobacco and smoking products, including cigarettes and electronic cigarettes”. In the letter Tholos Highlighted how the plan is
contrary to best available academic evidence and scientific advisories, and will inevitably result in more people smoking combustible cigarettes, with deadly consequences. The letter in its entirety can be read here.
Educating Thai Lawmakers on Harm Reduction
Tholos authored a letter to members of Thailand’s National Assembly, articulating the benefits of harm reduction and highlighting crucial evidence regarding a proposal that would legalize and regulate e-cigarettes. In addition, our letter focused on Thailand’s draconian enforcement of current e-cigarette laws that has had significantly negative effects on tourism. The letter can be read here.
Submitting Opinion to Bangladesh Regarding E-Cigarette and HNB Prohibition
On July 13th, 2022, Tholos submitted an official opinion to Bangladesh’s Directorate General of Health Services regarding the proposed amendment to the country’s Tobacco Product Usage Act that would ban e-cigarettes, heat-not-burn products, and nicotine pouches despite overwhelming evidence that these products produce desirable health effects among cigarette smoking populations. A release highlighting our submission can be found here. The submission in its entirety can be read here.
Releasing a Statement on Sweden’s Rejection of a Vape Flavor Ban
On June 21st, 2022, Sweden’s national legislature, the Riksdag, voted down a measure to ban all flavored nicotine-containing vape liquid. The Tholos Foundation authored this statement to highlight the position held by these legislators who rejecting this misguided proposal would have had hurt public health in Sweden, harmed the economy, and weakened Sweden’s national security. The release can be viewed here on the Tholos site.
Presenting Tholos-commissioned IPSOS Polling Data in Stockholm
Tim Andrews, Tholos’ Director of Consumer Issues, traveled to Stockholm, Sweden to speak at an Environment and Public Health Institute event. The presentation includes crucial data showing clearly that a Swedish flavored vape ban would lead to increased cigarette smoking, a more prevalent black-market, and dangerous at-home solutions. The presentation can be viewed here.
Submitting Comments on Public Health in Brazil
ANVISA, Brazil’s leading public health agency, is calling for comments regarding their long-standing vape prohibition. Tholos submitted comments offering scientific studies and evidence that demonstrate the overwhelming benefits that come with vape legalization. Our submission makes note of the extensive black-market that exists in Brazil and offers real examples of the exploitation that occurs in Brazil’s criminal smuggling rings. Tholos’ full comments can be read here.
Writing to President Duterte of the Philippines Regarding Vaping Legalization
After the passing of Senate Bill 2239, legislation that would legalize and regulate vaping in the Philippines, the bill now awaits the signature of Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte. Recognizing the opportunity for extensive harm reduction, Tholos has prepared a letter to be delivered to President Duterte educating him and his office on vaping and the positive health impacts it brings when cigarette smokers are offered access to the lifesaving products. The letter can be read here.
Offering Feedback to the EU Commission Legislative Framework on Tobacco Control
The European Commission has opened a public consultation regarding the EU’s Legislative Framework on Tobacco Control. The Commission is most-interested in evidence-based comments on newer nicotine technologies, like vaping and oral nicotine products. Our submission offers extensive evidence in support of e-cigarettes and other reduced risk tobacco alternatives like snus. It encourages the European Commission to embrace the benefits of maintaining adult access to these products and offering adult smokers a healthier alternative. Our complete submission can be read on the Commission’s website.
Publishing an Analysis on Flavored Vaping Products
Property Rights Alliance Fellow Rowan Saydlowski has released a white paper analyzing flavored vapes as harm reduction tools. Rowan, who has previously worked on PRA’s Property Rights Index, drew upon extensive scientific studies and research. The full paper can be read here.

THOLOS SEMINAR: The Science & Policy of Tobacco Harm Reduction in Taiwan

The Tholos Foundation, in conjunction with the Pacific Alliance Institute of Japan, the Center for Market Education of Malaysia, and the Property Rights Alliance put together an exclusive online seminar on tobacco harm reduction in Taiwan on March 24, 2022. At the time, Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan was debating proposals on regulating reduced risk tobacco alternatives. Tholos brought together leading experts from Taiwan and across the world to discuss the science underpinning tobacco harm reduction, regulatory best practices, and how best to implement these into policy. The seminar was broadcast in both English and Taiwanese Mandarin.

Watch the Full Seminar on THR in Taiwan Here

Featuring clive bates, Prof. kai-jen chuang, Dr. Carmelo Ferlito, Louis houlbrooke, prof. chee-ruey hsieh, dr. colin mendelsohn, michelle minton, prof. brad radu, prof. tzu-hsuen yuan, yuya watase.

Moderated by tim andrews, lorenzo montanari, & Lindsey Stroud.

THOLOS SEMINAR: The Future of Innovation and Consumer Freedom in Belgium and Other EU Countries

The Tholos Foundation joined Brussels Report and MP Els Ampe to discuss a range of issues including taxation, regulation, and legislative approaches to reduced-risk nicotine products. Tim Andrews, Tholos’ Director of Consumer Issues, presented Ipsos/Tholos polling of Belgium vapers.

Watch the Full Seminar on Innovation and Consumer Freedom in Belgium Here

Featuring Belgium MP Els Ampe, Félix Rijkers (Chairman, VapeBel), & Tim Andrews (Director of Consumer ISsues, Tholos).

Moderated by Pieter CLeppe (Brussels Report)

IPSOS/Tholos Polling

In April 2022, Tholos commissioned IPSOS polling of vape users in Estonia, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden to estimate the impacts of a potential flavored vape ban. The polling overwhelmingly shows that flavor bans lead to vapers turning to the black market or mixing their own vaping liquid. The poll results and infographics can be found below.