Tholos Releases Research Papers Analysing Impact of Flavor Bans and Best Practices to Reduce Underage Use

June 3rd 2024
The Tholos Foundation is proud to have published two papers analysing the impact of the deeply misguided attempts to ban flavored reduced risk tobacco alternatives, and setting out options for smarter, more targeted polices to reduce underage usage. Authored by Tholos Foundation Director of Consumer Issues’ Tim Andrews, the first paper is a comprehensive analysis […]

Analysis of the Response to the European Commission’s 2023 Public Consultation on the Evaluation of the Legislative Framework for Tobacco Control

May 29th 2024
Tholos Foundation International Research Fellow Pieter Cleppe has authored a paper responding to the recent European Commission Evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control. As policymakers deliberate onthe most effective strategies to combat smoking, this presents a unique opportunity to analyse the perspectives of both citizens and academic & research institutions. Despite robust evidence, […]

Presenting Tholos-commissioned IPSOS Polling Data on effects likely effects of Uzbekistan’s Nicotine Pouch Ban

May 15th 2024
The Tholos Foundation recently commissioned international polling firm IPSOS to investigate the likely effects of Uzbekistan’s recently passed legislation to ban reduced risk nicotine pouches. The results were very clear that two thirds of consumers use these products for health related reasons, and if fully implemented this ban would lead to an significant increase in […]

New White Paper Shows Safer Nicotine Alternatives Lead to Significant Reduction in Smoking Rates

October 17th 2023
The Tholos Foundation, in partnership with Japan-based Pacific Alliance Institute and Sweden-based consulting firm Scantech Strategy Advisors, today released a policy paper, Safer Nicotine Works, on how Sweden and Japan have successfully reduced smoking rates by introducing safer alternative nicotine products.   Safer Nicotine Works explores the impact of oral nicotine and heated tobacco products on smoking […]

California Vape Study Yields Shocking Results

June 23rd 2023
In response to a recently enacted vape flavor ban in California, Tholos commissioned a comprehensive poll by IPSOS. The results show a sweeping consensus among Californians, who widely oppose this ban. Also shown is the fact that most vapers have been able to access banned flavors despite the ban, causing worries about the rise of […]

2023 International Trade Barrier Index

May 25th 2023
KUALA LUMPUR, MY –– 5/10/2023 –– The Tholos Foundation today released the 2023 International Trade Barrier Index. Singapore, New Zealand, and Japan scored the top spots for trade liberalization. While Indonesia, Russia, and India ranked the worst for deploying the most trade barriers. The TBI measures direct and indirect trade barriers imposed by 88 countries affecting 72% of the world’s people and 96% […]

Report about the 2022 Thailand Policy Innovation Forum

December 16th 2022
The 2022 Thailand Policy Innovation Forum was organized by The Social Science Association of Thailand and Tholos Foundation and held in Bangkok, Thailand on July 11, 2022. Speakers discussed topics including the digital economy, economic liberalization, international property rights, and much more. The Policy Innovation Forum was covered extensively by Thai press. A report highlighting […]

Tholos Foundation Partners on International Tax Burden Index, USA Ranks Second-Best

July 29th 2022
The Tholos Foundation partnered with the Paris-based free-market think tank Institut économique Molinari (IEM) for the publication of the second edition of “The Tax Burden on Global Workers: A Comparative Index,” authored by James Rogers and Nicolas Marques of IEM. In the index, South Africa and the United States had the lowest tax burdens, while European Union […]