A citizen right to choose is upheld in a recent supreme court ruling in Panama

June 6th 2024
By Surse Pierpoint Fundación Libertad  In 2022 the Panamanian legislature passed a law (#315) that prohibited the import, commercialization and use of e cigarettes, vaporizers, etc. The Fundación Libertad and other organizations dedicated to promoting the rights of individuals to freely choose what products they would like to consume objected strenuously to said prohibition from […]

Free Market Principles Carve a Way Forward for Armenia

May 23rd 2024
Armenia is a tiny country in a difficult neighborhood. The size of the 41st largest U.S. state with only half its people (Maryland and three million), Armenia is landlocked in the mountainous South Caucuses. Despite natural and geopolitical obstacles outside its control Armenia is carving a path similar to Singapore by putting free-market principles into action […]

Exclusive Poll Exposes Effects of Slovenia’s Proposed Flavored Vape Ban

March 18th 2024
Exclusive polling of vapers in Slovenia, commissioned by the Tholos Foundation in conjunction with IPSOS Research, found that the government’s proposed ban on flavors will impact the more than 70% of vapers who currently use non-tobacco flavors such as fruit (56%) and mint (27%). Moreover, 4 in 5 Slovenian vapers think a flavor ban will […]

Interview with Pieter Cleppe on Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in the Biotech Industries.

November 6th 2023
The Property Rights Alliance had the pleasure of interviewing Pieter Cleppe, the founder and editor-in-chief of Brussels Report, a free-market media outlet dedicated to news and analysis covering the European Union, and author of the case study “The Importance of IP Protection for Belgian Biotech Company, Argenx” on the importance of IP protection for the […]

Danish Voters React Harshly to Vape Restrictions

August 4th 2023
In response to a recent wave of vape flavor restrictions in Denmark, Tholos commissioned a comprehensive poll by IPSOS. The results show a widespread consensus among Danes, who strongly oppose this ban. Also shown is the fact that most vapers have been able to access banned flavors despite the ban, causing worries about the rise […]

PRA Celebrates WIPO IP Day “Women and IP: Accelerating innovation and creativity.”

April 26th 2023
By Jackson Avery On April 26, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) proposes a day to celebrate women’s contributions to protecting Intellectual Property. The theme for this year is “Women and IP: Accelerating Innovation and Creativity.” The Property Rights Alliance (PRA) is excited to celebrate alongside WIPO. To commemorate and defend WIPO IP Day, PRA […]

UN Chief’s Tone-Deaf Gas Tax Declaration Would Exacerbate Inflation

August 26th 2022
By Rowan Saydlowski In a speech earlier this month, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called on “all governments” around the world to increase taxes on energy companies, a policy which would only exacerbate the current energy price spike. At the launch of the third brief of the UN’s Global Crisis Response Group on Food, Energy […]

Tholos Submits Opinion to Bangladesh Regarding E-Cigarette and HNB Prohibition

July 13th 2022
Earlier today, the Tholos Foundation submitted official comments to the Healthy Ministry of Bangladesh in regards to the proposed ban on e-cigarettes, heat-not-burn products, and oral nicotine pouches. The submission aimed at educating Bangladeshi health officials and lawmakers about the health benefits that current cigarette smokers can achieve by switching to a reduced-risk product. “Bangladesh’s […]

Taxpayer Groups from 40 Countries Urge Rejection of OECD’s Global Minimum Tax

July 2nd 2021
In partnership with the World Taxpayers Associations, Americans for Tax Reform is leading a large international coalition of 76 conservative groups and activists from 40 different nations to oppose the implementation of a global minimum corporate tax rate.

Trade War Fails to Stop China’s Theft of IP

January 20th 2021
One of the last reports out of the office of U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer indicates that China is still the “primary source” of counterfeit goods entering the United States. Over the last four years, Americans have made major sacrifices in an attempt to win the U.S.-China trade war. A recent study by Oxford Economics estimates that […]